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Showing posts with label icecream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label icecream. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Frozen Pints – Craft Beer Ice Cream

Frozen Pints – Craft Beer Ice Cream
There are more ice cream flavors on the market today than I could ever hope to try—Ben & Jerry’s alone is busy cramming caramel swirls and chocolate fish into new concoctions while we speak. What I would like to indulge in however, is some beer flavored ice cream. But before you go running off and dumping a six pack of Miller Lite into your KitchenAid for me (though I appreciate the offer) I wanna try the interesting flavors from Frozen Pints first. Using delicious craft brews and fresh ingredients the mad scientists over at Frozen Pints have developed a whole line of craft beer ice cream. I'm flat-out dying to get a spoon into the Cinnamon Espresso Stout and the Honey IPA but frankly would happily settle on a pint of any of them and then just just eat away until I'm buzzed.